About us
A new community
"For the Beauty and Joy of God, to live the whole Gospel with Mary
in unity, fraternity and joyful charity!"
This is how the spirituality of the Famille Marie-Jeunesse (FMJ), loosely translated as Mary-Youth Family, a young community born in Quebec City, QC, Canada, in the early 1980s, can be summarized.
In a world where young people are in search of meaning and landmarks, FMJ sees a generation of young people rise up, happy to follow Christ! With as its main mission the intentional hospitality and evangelization of young people between the ages of 15 and 30, the community also seeks, always in communion with the local bishop, to respond to the needs of the Church where it is implanted. Made up of consecrated men and women, priests, external member couples and young people, the FMJ was recognized as a public association of the faithful of the "new forms of consecrated life" by the Diocese of Sherbrooke in 2002.
Contemplative and missionary life
Bearers of a Marian and Eucharistic spirituality, the members of the FMJ gather around the prayer of the Rosary, the Eucharist and daily adoration.
At the heart of this spirit of prayer, the missionary dynamism of the community makes it attentive to the needs of the New Evangelization.
For example, the community organizes youth gatherings, retreat weekends and prayer evenings. When formally invited to do so, FMJ will also travels to give witness in schools, organize parish missions, participate in diocesan life or missions outside the country.
In addition, each inn of FMJ is very much a house offering hospitality to young people and groups of young people who wish to live an experience of faith within the community, in a family spirit. Everyone is invited to share the daily life of the house: tasks, moments of prayer, fraternal activities (music, sport, theatre) and activities of all kinds.
For the moment, we are living in a time of re-foundation. So our only inn is the one located in Sherbrooke. Until December 2017, we had inns on Reunion Island, Belgium, Tahiti and Quebec City.